Underarm Treatment – Best Skin Specialist in West Delhi, Top Laser and Cosmetologist


Dark Marks /Ingrown Hair/Razor Bump Marks– caused by improper shaving techniques and constant friction.

Excessive Sweating/Body Odour– result from sweat getting trapped in underarm and reacting with the bacteria.

Acanthosis Nigricans– skin disorder causing velvety, light brown to black markings on the skin of the armpits,neck, groin and /or under the breasts.

Rough Underarm-caused by tight synthetic clothes, lack of exfoliation and improper shaving.

Underarm Irritation/ Heat Rash-caused by improper hair removal method, excessive sweating and trapped heat. If left untreated, this can cause rashes and heat boils.

Armpit Fat– fat collection in arms because of which it becomes bulgy.

Underarm Hair- is messy. And with waxing or any other hair removal like trimming,plucking or shaving don’t give you smooth look.

Treatments include:

  • Laser Therapy
  • Carbon Peel
  • Viva Treatment
  • Chemical Peels and Exfoliants
  • Topical Creams
  • Microneedling Treatment


Black Spot/Dark Marks UnderArm Treatement Results